
How to Take Care of Your Car This Fall Season

Like any machine, cars require special care to maintain its value and prevent deterioration over the span of years. Safety, engine performance and mileage are some of the few factors that motive car owners to get maintenance done regularly, sometimes even seasonally. A number of websites, like, are of great help to keep you up-to-date with the latest car care techniques and tips.

Now that summer time’s gone, and winter is coming, as a car owner, you must beware of the changes fall brings to roads’ condition, as they can impact your car.

Fallen leaves, the rain, and the fog might be great aesthetics for fall, but do you know these simple things could be hazardous for your car?

That’s why we have a list of tips for car owners which can save them some bucks by avoiding critical damage to their vehicle this fall.

TIP 1. Tire Check-Up is A Must

One of the main things that your car’s safety depends on is its tires. The fall season is prone to rainfalls, as mentioned above. It is an absolute must to prepare your car to accumulate dirt and oil, which causes roads to get slippery, making steering difficult.

Damaged or old tires put you at even more significant risk as they have a poor grip. It makes it even more difficult for the driver to keep control of the car and expose you to a car accident risk.

Thankfully, there are some steps that can be taken to avoid the manifestation of these risks.

  • If your tires are old and worn out, you must get them replaced.
  • Check your tires’ pressure regularly.
  • Noticed your tires are looking deflated? Along with the leaves, the temperature will most likely also fall in this season. It means that the air pressure of your tires will also drop.
  • Just use a tire pressure gauge to measure the pressure of your tires. In case of low pressure, worry not. Either take your car to a gas station and get air pumped or use an air compressor at home to increase pressure.
  • Check if your tires are unbalanced. It can cause uneven tread and could lead to a tire puncture in the middle of the road. We suggest car owners get tires rebalanced so that the weight is spread out evenly.

TIP 2. Test Your Battery After the Summer Heat Wave

Did you know the chances of battery failure increase in colder weather?  The summer air is soft and warm; however, the same can’t be said about fall.

It’s best to get car batteries checked to avoid inconveniences, especially if there are noticeable signs of corrosion.

Disconnect the battery, pour a small amount of hot water on battery terminals, and watch corrosion melt away.

TIP 3. Upgrade Your Windshield Wipers

One must prepare the car for fall rain, and make sure that the windshield wipers are checked beforehand. If you live in a place with frequent snowfalls, you should be extra cautious.

It’s also essential to replace the washer fluids with a solvent suited for the falling temperature. This winter blend will prevent the freezing of ice when it snows.

How to check if your wipers are working fine? Few people realize that even after the long break that these wipers get in summer, they could be worn out due to the hot and dry weather. Check more on

So, if you notice the wipers are streaking, they fail to wipe away water easily, or if they chatter when used, it is a sign that they’ve worn out. Don’t delay replacing them; if the plastic has worn out too much, the metal on the wiper arm could scratch your windshield glass.

It’s reasonably easy to get the wipers replaced and is light on the pocket especially if you invest in an insurance plan.

Any local car repair shop will be able to help you find the perfect blades. It will provide you a quality driving experience in fall and the upcoming winter.

Additionally, you can clean the blade regularly with a paper towel or glass cleaner to help them last longer.

TIP 4. Replace Headlights as Days Will Get Shorter

Days will begin to get short soon, with the sun setting as early as 5 PM. You’ll most probably be out in the dark more often than in the summer. A burnout bulb in your headlights can cause serious accidents. This is why it we emphasize on the importance of checking both brake and reverse lights before the start of fall season. In case they’re not working properly, you must get them replaced by a local car shop.

TIP 5. Install in All-Weather Floor Mats to Protect Your Car from The Elements of Nature

Brace yourself for the heavy rain in the fall. It is suggested to install sturdy floor mats that are durable and withstand the wear and tear caused by rain, mud, or snow.

TIP 6. Always Prepare For The Worst

One must always expect the worst and prepare accordingly. Fall or winter, the threats to car remain. The only way to be always prepared is to have an insurance plan in place for emergencies. If your safety is compromised in a car accident, an insurance company can help you recover the financial losses. Make sure you opt for insurance that offers add-ons like roadside assistance in addition to the basic plan. This way, you’ll always have someone to call for help in case something goes wrong (regardless of the weather).

TIP 7. Squeaky Brakes? Get Them Checked ASAP

Faulty brakes are possibly the biggest threat to your safety. Fall requires more discipline from car owners as compared to the smooth summer. As the temperature becomes harsher, the braking system must perform at full efficiency on slippery roads. If dirt or dust has made your brakes rusty, it’s probably time to get them cleaned. Check for squeaking sounds too, as they can be a sign of faulty brakes.

Following these tips you can protect your car from the risks it faces in the fall season due to changes in temperature, slippery roads due to rain, or snowfall.

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